Sunday, February 4

Nightmares From The Deep 3: Davy Jones Review

Here we are with another game from the Nightmares From the Deep series from Artifex Mundi. As with the other titles, this is a typical point and click, story adventure game. If you played previously similar games such as, Enigmatis and Grim Legends, the one that stands out above all are the Nightmares from the Deep games.


As usual in Artifex games, fans and genre veterans will finish it in one afternoon. Little more than four hours I played and finished the game with all the collectibles unlocked. Keep in mind that everyone doesn't have the same skills when facing a puzzle, so that this time that you have specified can be taken as a minimum, not the average of the game's completion.

After completing the main story, an epilogue is unlocked that lasts about an hour long. This epilogue, which not only extends the duration of the product but it nourishes a little more the main story and explains how the mother and daughter arrive on the cursed island. You will also learn a little more about the fate of Davy Jones daughter.


The concatenation of types of puzzles is the key to the success of Artifex games. Not a single puzzle is repeated and even hidden objects have two different modalities. The latter can also be replaced by a mahjong minigame, which gives more variety, if possible, to the title,  obviously the difficulty of the challenges increase throughout the game. I advise you to keep your finger off the button tracks (also up in the cross), whose function is to tell you what you have to do or what object to search at every moment. The more casual players have some forgiveness, but the rest should not be scared, as one of the strengths of the game is that feeling of personal success for each puzzle solved (obviously without help). Also, none of them is convoluted enough to get carried away on the easy path. Certain it's that some seem unsolvable, and another one that can give the odd headache, but they are mostly affordable in their proper measure.

On the other hand, to say that Artifex doesn't finish blunting in terms of character construction. Davy Jones falls into the most stale cliché and the rest of the characters are bad or good, without contrasts. Nor do too many secondary characters abound and, to top it all, there are failure of continuity, for example: Davy Jones has enslaved the daughter of the protagonist in the kitchen of the mansion, later, outside the building, Davy catches her trying to escape and threatens to kill her if you don't bring an object. Well, looking for it, to return to the kitchen, the daughter of the protagonist is still in the kitchen as if nothing and, to your amazement to discover the ruling, you left the house and there is again the girl threatened with the sword of the pirate in the neck.

Graphics & Design

To close out this series, the developers decided that a new graphic engine or making any notable improvements in the visual department were not needed from the other titles. It's true that it looks more polished than previous deliveries, instead it recycles color palette, filters and textures. The animations already flow as they should and don't seem like a tribute to stop motion, although it still has ample room for improvement.

For the sound in the game, the melodies have not evolved either, although this is not a problem, since you are facing a graphic adventure in which the playable dynamic doesn't include moments of action, but rather the rhythm of the game is calm and invites reflection , so the musical pieces don't need any fanfare. The degree of compression of the audio tracks has already been fully adjusted and neither the melodies nor the voices nor the effects distort and don't crunch the television speakers. You are facing the first game of Artifex that exceeds 2 GB in size, a direct consequence of this last point that I talk and the highest graphic load.


Nightmares from the Deep 3: Davy Jones is a great graphic adventure, which can be enjoyed without having played the two previous titles. And not only that, it's a magnificent gateway for the neophytes of the genre, thanks to playable mechanics suitable and affordable for all audiences.

The technical and playable improvements are not all that significant, but that could be expected at this point. There have been so many nearly clone games launched, in which the basic differences are the plot and setting. The icing on the cake could have been to make the difficulty a little more difficult and a longer duration, but this is something that there is no choice but to continue waiting in future installments.

*Game was provided for this review


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