8-bit Adventure Anthology is a collection of games that contains new detailed versions of three of the best 8-bit point-and-click adventure games of all time. Each of these independent adventures, whose original versions went on sale between 1987 and 1991, contains the same impressive puzzles, graphics and music that fascinated that generations of players.
You can enjoy Shadowgate, The Uninvited and Déjà Vu as it should be: with a command in the hands and worlds waiting to be discovered! Set in realms of fantasy, horror and film noir, these three magnificent stories can't miss on the shelves of those who enjoy games of traditional adventures and this is just the Volume I, so expect more of this great games in the future!
This great collection will take you to nostalgia, thanks to three of the best and pioneering point & click games that today is so well established, each game will take us around 30 to 1 hours if you are familiar with these titles or genre, however, can offer you more hours, if they get stuck in some of the numerous puzzles that you offer these gamesGameplay
The game is as challenging as you want it to be, it keeps intact the essence of the original and gives you a super ambience. It's not a title for impatient, because to stay stuck and die will be your daily bread, but it knows how to reward the advance and offer you very good moments while defeating creatures that seemed to have no weak points, you solve all kinds of twisted puzzles and you dodged the deadliest traps you could imagine.
In Uninvited, you drive along a lonely road, when suddenly a shadow figure pounces on your car. When you try to dodge it, you spin and you crash into a tree. When you regain consciousness, you realize that your sister is not there. Have you gone to ask for help to this impressive mansion? Suddenly, a strong smell of gas comes to you. He must have punctured the tank. After opening the car door with some effort, you manage to escape in time from the explosion of the car. A lavish mansion stands before your eyes. Is your sister there? The first thing you should know about Uninvited is it's traditional graphic adventure mechanics, which makes it a game very similar to Shadowgate and Deja Vu.
In Deja Vu, it's the year 1942 and you wake up in a sordid bathroom without knowing how you ended up there or what your name is. You take a 38-caliber revolver that hangs on the door, you climb the stairs and find a corpse with three bullet holes slumped on a table. You take a look at the weapon. Three bullets are missing. This is going to be a bad day. Deja Vu, is a fantastic point & click game, it offers a very good combination between mystery and puzzles, combined with a small part of terror.
Graphics & Design
- Game: 8-bit Adventure Anthology: Volume I
- Developer: Abstraction Games
- Publisher: Reverb Publishing
- Genre: Adventure, Collection, Point & Click
- Price: $7.99
- Size: 376.56 MB
- Release date: October 31st 2017
- For more info: http://www.8bitaa.com/
- Download from Microsoft Store
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