Tuesday, September 27

Zenith Preview

Zenith, developed by Infinigon, is an action RPG that combines that feel of the golden era RPG games with a generous dose of humor and parody. The game counts with a solid story which unfolds in a fantasy world populated by dozens of unorthodox characters.

Exploration: Yes, we’ve got a world map. Ain’t we just amazing?
Bosses: Because everybody loves kicking the crap out of big monsters!
Worldsaving: You’d think the government would be able to do what they’re being paid for instead of tinkering with apocaliptical devices.
Dungeons: There are so many ruins and temples lying around the world that they almost count as a natural resource.

Be sure to check out our video preview embedded above!

Zenith releases on the Xbox Store on September 30th for $19.99

For more information on Zenith, check out the official website: http://zeniththegame.com/en/maineng/


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