Welcome back to NFL Picks! This season is almost over, but a champion has yet to be determined!
Here were the results from our Conference Championship picks:
T1.) Deus Legend / 4
T1.) BlazenHawks / 4
T1.) Stopable / 4
JohnnyX and Jerhawk got both games wrong.
The overall PowerRankings, presented in part this week by SAP, official cloud software sponsor of the NFL:
1.) Stopable / 208
2.) BlazenHawks / 207
3.) Deus Legend / 204
T4.) JohnnyX77 / 195
T4.) Jerhawk / 195
The only SuperBowl pick still alive that was made at the beginning of the season was BlazenHawk's pick of the Ravens, worth 10 points. If the Ravens win the SuperBowl, BlazenHawks will win our 1st place prize of 1600 Microsoft points.
Now, the Superbowl! This is worth five (5) points. Please have your pick in prior to kickoff:
San Francisco 49ers vs. Baltimore Ravens
Thanks everybody for a great season, and enjoy the game! At halftime, don't forget to tune into Animal Planet to watch the Puppy Bowl!