Welcome to the first annual TheXBLN.com awards show! My name is Jerhawk, and for the next hour (or however long it takes you to read this post), Deus Legend along with myself will host this blockbuster event, highlighting the best there is in the gaming world, from games themselves to the glamorous un-famous celebrities that play them. Here's the criteria: The release dates of the games don't really matter, as long as they're an Xbox 360 game. I will post my take, then Deus Legend will post his take. Later, we can post the winner from everyone's votes in the comment section. So, without further delay, let's get the show started!
Best Action Sports Game:
Jerhawk's Winner: Skate
Deus Legend's Winner: Skate
JRC865's Winner: Skate
xSgt MeatLoafx's Winner: Skate
JH: I've said it several times in the past, Skate was an amazing game. It completely blew Tony Hawk out of the water, and introduced an all new "flick-it" system, where the right stick was the major basis in the controls of the game. It was new, it was fun, and in my opinion it was amazing. This game truly deserves the best action-game award in my opinion.
DL: There's really no competition for this award until Skate 2 comes out I guess.
JRC: Not many games in this genre. Skate is definitely the best of the bunch though.
Sgt Meat: Skate only wins just cuz the other action sports games suck.
Best Sports Game:
Jerhawk's Winner: Madden NFL 09
Deus Legend's Winner: Madden NFL 09
NYYDallasCuse's Winner: NHL 09JRC865's Winner: NCAA Football 09
xSgt MeatLoafx's Winner: Madden 09
JH: EA really helped restore Madden's reputation as a sports game with the release of Madden 09. Since the Xbox 360 was released, Madden seemed to never live up to it's expectations, with constant bugs and glitches. While these still occur occasionally in 09, I think EA finally got it right this go around, winning my award for the best sports game.
DL: Madden 09 is almost everything we have been waiting for this gen with football games. Although the game is not perfect, EA has finally got the groundwork set. Now they just need to add the little details back in the game to make the game authentic as possible.
NYYDC: I love Madden but NHL 2009 is heads and shoulders above it in my opinion. NHL is the best sports game out there and the only reason it doesn't get the recognition it deserves is because its a hockey game. But in terms of pure game play NHL blows Madden away.
JRC: NCAA beat out any other sports game because of the online dynasty.
Sgt Meat: this was a hard was cuz ncaa football 09 was good but people could score to easy on ncaa it made it too boring.
Most Over-Hyped Game:
Jerhawk's Winner: Grand Theft Auto 4
Deus Legend's Winner: Grand Theft Auto 4
JRC865's Winner: Gears of War 2
xSgt MeatLoafx's Winner: Call of Duty World at War
JH: Yes, this was a good game. However, the story line was extremely boring as well as repetitive, with very little to do outside of the main story line. This game was anticipated to do all sorts of incredible things and reshape society and bring world peace, as well as land a man on Mars. That's how over-hyped this game was.
DL: The game looks, feel, and plays great, but the missions all feel the same. Once the game is over, there isn't as much to do like in Saints Row for example. The multiplayer was a bit underwhelming. The game would have been better with online co-op. I believe all games should have that nowadays. Maybe they'll get the next one right when ever they release it. Hopefully within the next 10 years.
JRC: I ended up not even buying this game, to be honest I haven't even played it. So thats definitely over hyped for me.
Sgt Meat: I even thought that game was going to be good but it turned out to be not so great.
Best Xbox Live Arcade Game:
Jerhawk's Winner: Texas Hold 'Em
Deus Legend's Winner: UNO!
JRC865's Winner: Texas Hold'Em
xSgt MeatLoafx's Winner: WormsJH: I went all in with this one. Texas Hold 'Em was free first of all, which already boosted it up in my power-rankings. However, what put this game over the top was the online multiplayer. You could waste away hours playing online tournaments from your chair, getting rich with fake money. How much better could it possibly get?
DL: Yes, Texas Hold'Em was great but, UNO is the champ. I can remember sitting playing this game for hours with friends. They should release more game like UNO and Texas Hold'Em. I might just buy them.
JRC: I snagged this from the marketplace one week when they were allowing users to download for free. I spent quite a few hours on this game, much more than any other arcade game.
Sgt Meat: that game is really fun you get to kill other worms and you can have up to four players
Worst Game Ever Award:
Jerhawk's Winner: MLB 2K6
Deus Legend's Winner: Madden NFL 06
JRC865's Winner: Totemball
xSgt MeatLoafx's Winner: College Baseball
JH: This game really struck out.
DL: This game stunk up the place more than the 2008 Detroit Lions.
JRC: One of the most frustrating games to try and play, if you aren't using the vision camera in conjunction with a white wall then you can guarantee that the game will not perform the actions you want it too.
Sgt Meat: that game was fun to play as your favorite college but the again it was too lame one stadium and metal bats wow.
Best Game Soundtrack (not including music games):
Jerhawk's Winner:Tony Hawk's American Wasteland
Deus Legend's Winner: Test Drive Unlimited
JRC865's Winner: Skate
JH: Yeah this one is from right-field, I understand. But this game really had a great soundtrack!
DL: Test Drive Unlimited had a mixture of every genre of music. The music was really a high point of the game.
JRC: Very good range of music, and it all fits in well with the game.
Best Multiplayer Game:
Jerhawk's Winner: Halo 3
Deus Legend's Winner: Halo 3
JRC865's Winner: Call of Duty World at War
xSgt MeatLoafx's Winner: Call of Duty World at War
JH: Yes, Halo 3 is my winner for the game with best online multiplayer. The matchmaking system is still one of the best, if not the best one out there in my opinion. Online with this game will bring you hours of entertainment and family fun!
DL: Until another can beat Halo's Matchmaker, this will remain the best online multiplayer game. You can get a party of friends and quickly match up with people around your skill level.
JRC: Multiplayer in ... is unrivaled in my opinion.
Sgt Meat: the best game out there the modern guns were cool you dont have that lame jumping like on halo and no shields. That game was fun I could spend hours playing. In fact I did.

We will now go to commercial, but don't touch that remote! When we return, we will unveil the top gamer of the year, the best overall game and the winner of The Controller. Stay tuned! Part 2 will be coming later this week.
Also, please post some comments to voice your opinion on the best games and other topics that have been discussed above. Thanks!
I love Madden but NHL 2009 is heads and shoulders above it in my opinion. NHL is the best sports game out there and the only reason it doesn't get the recognition it deserves is because its a hockey game. But in terms of pure game play NHL blows Madden away.
ReplyDeleteBest Action Sports Game: Skate
ReplyDeleteNot many games in this genre. Skate is definitely the best of the bunch though.
Best Sports Game: NCAA 09
NCAA beat out any other sports game because of the online dynasty.
Most Over Hyped Game: Gears of War 2
I ended up not even buying this game, to be honest I haven't even played it. So thats definitely over hyped for me.
Best Xbox Live Arcade Game: Texas Hold'Em
I snagged this from the marketplace one week when they were allowing users to download for free. I spent quite a few hours on this game, much more than any other arcade game.
Worst Game Ever: Totemball
One of the most frustrating games to try and play, if you aren't using the vision camera in conjunction with a white wall then you can guarantee that the game will not perform the actions you want it too.
Best Game Soundtrack: Skate
Very good range of music, and it all fits in well with the game.
Hey thanks for the comments, and thank you Deus for putting their votes in the post. Keep 'em coming guys! This is only Part 1!
ReplyDeleteIf you have any suggestions for more topics in the next part(s), let me know! Thanks
I forgot one.
ReplyDeleteBest Multiplayer Game: Tie, Call of Duty 4: MW & Call of Duty: WaW
I went with a tie here because both of these games are essentially identical. Only major difference is the setting the game takes place in. Multiplayer in both of these games are unrivaled in my opinion.
Some suggestions for Part 2:
1. Best RPG
2. Best Cinematic Sequence
3. Best Graphics
4. Best Hero
5. Best Villain
6. Best Story
1. skate
ReplyDeleteskate only wins just cuz the other action sports games suck
2. madden 09
this was a hard was cuz ncaa football 09 was good but people could sore to easy on ncaa it made it to boring
3. call od duty world at war
i even thought that game was going to be good but it turned out to be not so great
4. worms
that game is really fun you get to kill other worms and you can have up to four players
5. college baseball
that game was fun to play as your favorite college but the again it was to lame one one stduiam and metal bats wow
6. need for speed the one before underground
they had some good songs to were they make you get into the game
7. call of duty 4
the best game out there the moder guns were cool you dont have that lame jumoing like on halo and no shields that game was fun i could spend hours playing in fact i did